"Bethany Whisper"

Monday, February 12, 2007

Blogging In College: The Gender and Pop Culture Experiment

This is a link to our professor's page and an explanation as to what it is we are doing...


The Professor's Page! The ringleader of this crazy project! My 28 students and I will be blogging all Spring Semester 2007 on many forms of pop culture. This site will link to all of their sites, and provide the evolving dialogue we will consciously be intervening in via the technology of the blog and through critical analysis. Please visit often as it will change rapidly! Provide links, feedback, anything is fair game right now...

Gender in Popular Culture...

I'm making this blog for my Gender in Popular Culture class... So far my topic is Grey's Anatomy because there is a lot of issues involving gender, race, etc. in the show. And also, I love Grey's Anatomy!!

(I had to re-make my blog cause I couldn't log back into the first one)

